

Stenciled Wallpaper

I LOVE LOVE LOVE wallpaper.  I really wanted to have wallpaper somewhere in my house, and the bathroom seemed like the perfect room.  I searched and searched for wallpaper that matched my gray and white decor, but wallpaper is SO expensive!  And I was very particular about what I wanted.

And then I found this awesome tutorial on how to paint wallpaper and I knew I had to try it in my bathroom.  You can download the stencil for free on the website and just print it out and trace unto cardboard.  Then it's time to trace trace and trace some more.

You have to have a steady hand, especially when you start painting the lines, but the beauty of this is that it is not supposed to be perfect.  I painted the base color Porpoise by Behr and used a glossy white for the design.  I could sit in my bathroom all day and stare at this wall!

Have a blessed day!


  1. I love this Tara...the house we live in is a rental so my bathroom has very imperfect walls..this would be fabulous..I may have to try it! It looks gorgeous!

  2. I love this! Ironically (or coincidentally?!?) I was planning to stencil my entry wall like this, but I was going to use a tan color for my base. However, all tans and creams look sickly in my house, so I landed on Behr's Porpoise! I guess I'm just trying to say that your latrine looks lovely and is exactly what I'm doing in my living room : )


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