

Another Post About My Dog

Admittedly, I may be slightly obsessed with my dog.  Just you people wait until I have kids.  I'm sure my blog readership will drop significantly because no one wants to read a crazy person rant and rave about their babies.    I'll try to contain myself...after today.

So Boston started this really bad habit as of late where he chases Cody's pickup all the way down the driveway and down the road.  I'm sure he would chase him all the way to work if Cody didn't stop, back up, and bring him back home.  Unfortunately, me bringing him in the house does not show him that this behavior is unacceptable, so we had to try something different.

This just breaks my heart.  As soon as Cody gets in his pickup, I call Boston over to his leash.  He pretty much crawls over to me because he is so depressed and lays down on the cement before I even hook the leash up.  He then pouts in that position, without moving, until I come back.  The second I remove his leash, he is a new dog, running around like crazy and so incredibly happy.  I hope he learns to stop chasing Cody soon, because my heart can't take this anymore.

After releasing him from his prison, he was happily running around the yard so I went back into the house.  I opened the door up since it was so warm.  A couple minutes later, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

This door is awkwardly placed about 3 feet off the ground.  He is standing on his back legs, peeking in the house at me.  It made me chuckle.  Man I love my dog.

Stay tuned for Wednesday Letters tomorrow.  I can assure you, it will NOT be about my dog :).

1 comment:

  1. He is SO CUTE. I know that face really well.
    I've left my dogs back in Greece with my family and I miss them so much.
    I can't wait to fly back from London to see them.

    I really like your blog,
    I'm following.


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