

A Beautiful Day

I have been trying so hard not to get excited about the weather.  I have not complained about a lack of snow {except for a short period right before Christmas}, but I also have not expressed how delighted I am that it is so warm out.  I am afraid to say anything, because this is Minnesota after all.  I just know as soon as this post goes up the temperature is going to drop 60 degrees and the snow is going to start flying.  But I just can't help it because after the 50 degree day we had yesterday, spring fever is hitting me hard!

Yesterday was definitely the perfect day for Bos to make a new friend {or boyfriend if you saw what he was doing}.  His name is Norman.  He is one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen.  He does not like to be humped.  So while I go off and ponder about whether or not to emasculate my dog, you can go listen to another thing that makes me happy.

Prepare yoselves for a great movie...and please read the books if you haven't.  Well time for me {and you} to go enjoy this beautiful weather that will disappearing soon thanks to me.

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