

Valentine's Day

It was very evident that yesterday was Valentine's Day.  I was very surprised to see how many pictures of flowers and other gifts made their way onto Facebook within the 24 hours.  Kudos to all the wonderful guys who went above and beyond for their woman!

I decided this year that I really do love Valentine's day and embraced it fully.  When Cody and I were dating, Valentine's Day was also our anniversary.  It is kind of fun, now that we are married, to focus completely on this day.  Although I am sure I will always say "happy anniversary of being together", especially since yesterday marked five years.  

Cody woke me up in the morning with my presents. It was really fun to not have to wait the entire day for them :).  We made breakfast together before he had to leave for work.  I spent the day making cards and cookies and getting ready for date night. 

I was very thankful for my Silhouette as it cut out some pretty lovely shapes for me.  

 I made a love banner that I decided to also make into the hubby's card.  I usually write a book anyway, so it was nice to have four cards to write on instead of just one.

A special thank you goes out to my mother, who never fails to spread love on Valentine's Day and managed to find the ONLY Valentine's card made for a son-in-law.

After dinner, we set up the living room for a slumber party which we haven't been able to do since our apartment days.  I was really hoping to share this moment with both of my boys, but the fury one would not go to sleep and ended up having to go back into the entry.

Maybe we will try again tonight...


  1. Love your little set up of desserts and the cute banner!

  2. This looks so romantic! And the love banner is really cute! If it was me , I would leave it there for a while! ;)



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