

i'm back...

...for now.

i never intended to take a two month hiatus from house projects {and consequently from blogging}, but if i wanted to spend any time with my husband and pup and enjoy my summer while having a halfway clean house, eating somewhat decent food, and still managing to do well in school, something had to go.  and while i assure you that there are plenty of projects currently in the works, this post is meant to show what i still managed to find time for this summer...thrifting.

if you have a free saturday, check out the antique/occasional shops in buffalo, minnesota.  

i could probably come up with 17 different uses for this lovely old milk crate, but when i bought it i had a particular use in mind.  we shall see what becomes of it.

not much to say about this radio, except that it is awesome.

i purchased this trunk for a mere $12.  if you ask me, that is quite a steal for such a large trunk.  

it is currently being used to store blankets in our basement.

it even came with the key attached. 

last but not least, we have a lovely pair of skis.  they weren't actually thrifted.  cody came home one day and asked if i wanted his grandpa's old skis or if he should burn them.  like he even had to ask.

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