

kitchen wall shelves

after painting my buffet for my kitchen, i temporarily decorated it with an old window pane i had found in my barn.

i liked it, but the buffet sits on a very large wall that needed some beefing up.

i love the look of the wall shelves over at ballard designs, but didn't like the price tag that came with.  i have seen many diy options for these shelves, so cody and i decided to give it a go.

we made it really easy on ourselves by buying white laminate shelves, trim, and corbels from menards so no painting was required.  it just took a little bit of wood glue, a few screws, and some forty-five degree cuts by husband.   

now if we are being honest, it could probably use some caulk on the seams and a little paint on the backside of the trim.  and maybe, just maybe, i will get around to doing that one of these days.

but for now i am really enjoying the shelves.  and my new coffee bar.  which i can only use to make non-caffeinated beverages thanks to a certain someone who has taken over my body.  whom i would gladly give up everything for.  amen.

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