

the sunshine state

this winter has been a bear.  i can handle a little cold weather, but between the constant negative temps and a newborn, we decided to do what any sensible parents would do...take a road trip with a four week old to the sunshine state.

we made a last minute decision to make the 25+ hour trek to meet up with cody's family in florida.  we had no real plans, only to soak up some sun and spend time together.  i don't think any of us could have been happier to get some relief from the polar vortex back home, as evidenced by my little beach bum below who clearly spent the majority of the trip snoozing in pure bliss.

we made a little video of our adventures.  it's amateur at best, but we are hoping to get better with a little practice so evelyn will have evidence some day of those things she just won't remember.

the drive down was interesting, as we arrived in georgia right as they were being hit with a snowstorm.  we have never experienced anything like it...and we are from minnesota! the weather in florida was amazing though and we spent the majority of the trip just relaxing, but also had a few fun firsts with miss evelyn at disney world and the ocean.  cody enjoyed a few too many rounds of golf and there was a superbowl to be watched and cards to be played. i hope you enjoy our video; it's making me miss the sunshine with all my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Love the video! The shot of her getting her first "dip" into the ocean...every child's reaction! Love how Tara grabbed her instantly, love watching you guys as parents! :)


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