


this lovely lady turned one hundred years old today.  at seventy three years young, she started taking care of my sister and me.  watching her hold my baby girl twenty-five years later is an unexpected blessing.  two souls connecting, one hundred years apart.  she is one of those people that is always able to bring a smile to your face.  she is quick-witted, sharp, and has never missed an episode of the bachelor.  when we were leaving her home today, she said she was going to make it to another birthday; but not two more.  she doesn't want to go through the terrible two's again ;).

on another note, this chunky monkey is officially three months old.  i wish it was an april fool's joke how fast she is growing.  she started out small, but she is packing on the pounds like the best of them.  she refuses to suck on a pacifier, but recently discovered that her hands are quite tasty.  getting her to smile and giggle has quickly become her daddy's and my favorite pastime.  she is never content sitting still, and i'm afraid she is going to be moving waaaay before we are ready.  as much as i hate to see her growing so fast, i love seeing glimpses of her little personality coming out.  i can't wait to see who she becomes!

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