

happy half-birthday!

my little bug is six months old!  it is so fun to see how far she has come over the past month.  she loves rolling all around, sitting up, and standing with some help.  she mastered rolling to her tummy several weeks ago, which has been real fun during sleepytime and playtime!  some nights i find i have to pin her down so she doesn't keep rolling instead of sleeping.  and although she used to love playing on her back on the floor, this is no more.  she now flips the second you lay her down and instead of rolling back over, she attempts to crawl.  she can scoot on her belly pretty well, but the crawling just isn't there yet and it is frustrating {mostly for her ;)}.  i'm hoping it will be soon for the sake of all of us, especially since she has recently started tucking her knees and propelling forward with a little bit of help.  how tough it is to be little!  naps are pretty much non-existent these days, which i keep hoping is just a phase.  thankfully, we figured out some sure-fire ways to get a belly laugh, or at the very least a big smile, no matter how sleepy she is.  she has been enjoying eating dinner with us at the table in her high chair and is excited to start trying some real food of her own now.  one of her favorite activities this month is watching and petting puppies.  she can't get enough of boston and hates that she can't chase after him yet.  now boston on the other hand...

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