

seven months old

miss evelyn turned seven months old yesterday.  we celebrated with some garage saling and a picnic, which she requested because her mom is teaching her well.  i'm pretty sure this last month of her life was her fastest one yet.  i'm sure it is because summer always seems to be the fastest time of the year.  we started introducing solids this past month, to which evelyn said no thank you to baby food.  so she has been trying out some finger foods like green beans, sweet potato fingers, and carrots.  little miss independent is loving this whole feeding herself thing, although she isn't quite sure about swallowing yet.  babyproofing is definitely on our to-do list this month, as she is a little too mobile these days and has discovered that outlets are quite fun to grab.  she has mastered the baby push-up this month, as well as the pouty face/hands in the air/i want to be picked up.  speaking of which, that's my cue!

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