


i’m currently finding myself to be in a season of the in between.  it seems to be infiltrating all areas of my life, and my home is no exception.  i'm in between the desire to have a well-stocked and completely decorated home and the even stronger desire to purge all my belongings and live only on the bare necessities.  i think we all feel the pull in one direction or another at any given moment.  it’s a continuum, an ebb and a flow, and of course the key is to find the balance somewhere in between.  isn’t balance the answer for everything?  as a new season begins, i find it easiest to implement changes in all areas of life.  decorating for this new season in my life does not include store bought goods that will need to be stored or any perfectly curated vignettes.  it does include bringing the outdoors in-pumpkins, pinecones, leaves, grasses, branches-and gathering these with my favorite little helper.  it involves rearranging rooms and digging out warm blankets to promote coziness.  it involves burning pumpkin candles and diffusing cinnamon and orange oils.  it involves simmering soups and baking pies and steeping some loose leaf tea.  it involves dusting off some old records and maybe even throwing in a christmas album or two because, why not?  it involves cracking open the windows on cool evenings just to hear the sound of the combines late into the night.  it involves fake fires in the electric fireplace while watching football with your friends on sunday afternoon.  and that, my friends, is how i am decorating my home this fall.

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