

eleven months old

the little things i want to remember about evelyn in her last month of her first year:

the sound of her hands and feet pitter pattering across the wood floors as she explores; the squeak of the doors as she opens and shuts, opens and shuts; the way she lights up any time daddy comes home; the amount of food she can eat; how much she loves giving hugs and kisses whenever we ask; how her favorite toys are still keys, phones, and puppies; the way she talks to people when we are out in public and brightens everyone's day; how she communicates with her signs, words, and constant pointing; how funny she thinks she is when she tickles mama's belly; the hour or so before bedtime when she gets silly and giggly and loves playing on mom and dad's bed; the way she runs away from us and looks over her shoulder with a smirk to make sure we are chasing her; and of course, the way she just loves to dance whenever she hears the beat.  i sure do love this little girl.

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