

The Apple Orchard

yesterday, the girls and i headed to the apple orchard to pick a few of our favorite honeycrisps.  i brought my camera along to take some pictures of the girls, but when we got there my memory card wasn't working.  thank goodness for iphone cameras!  

these two!  we have definitely entered the bickering stage of sisterhood, but there are just as many moments like this that melt my heart.  when evelyn hears hazel crying, she always tries to comfort her by saying "don't cry hazel, i'm your fwend!" it isn't all the comforting to hazel, but it always makes me smile and i hope that stays true for many, many years.

an apple for each hand!

evelyn was so excited to pick apples, she couldn't stop talking about it. we found a tree with apples hanging at just her height and she grabbed one right away to sample.  we had the orchard to ourselves and she was perfectly content running through the trees and examining all the bugs eating the fallen apples.  two deer even graced us with their presence; though they were probably bummed we were interrupting their afternoon snack!  we gave hazel an apple right away and she guarded that thing with her life.  i have never seen her sit in one place for so long!  once we collected our apples, evelyn insisted we sit down right away and have a "picnic", which is one of her favorite thing to play right now.  i'm not sure what evelyn was expecting at the apple orchard, but the experience didn't seem to disappoint.

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