

Christmas Tree Farm

Last week, Cody and I were talking about our Christmas tree and where we were going to put it.  Evelyn was listening in and asked where the tree was.  I told her it was in a forest and we had to go cut it down.  She quickly responded, "no mom, it's downstairs in a box!"  Sometimes her memory amazes me, as she was exactly right.  Every year Cody drags that box up the stairs and we put together our little artificial tree.  And as much as I love that tree, I couldn't wait to take the girls to pick out and cut down our own tree this year.  Santa and his reindeer were at the tree farm and Evelyn told him maybe she would like some socks for her baby doll for Christmas.  She completely forgot about the vacuum she has been asking for for weeks now.  I am currently sitting in my living room, surrounded by the smell of our fresh tree and I'm pretty sure it was the best decision I have made in awhile.

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