


Three years ago, we welcomed this spunky, sweet little lady into the world.  She is one of the most entertaining people I have been around and loves being the center of attention.  She loves to be a mommy, both to her baby dolls and her little sister.  She loves to talk and conversations with her never disappoint.  In the past year, we have watched her learn how to use the potty, sleep in a big girl bed, pick out her outfits and dress herself, learn the words to every children's song and Christmas song there is, drive her gator, memorize Bible verses, dance like a little ballerina, and much, much more.  

We celebrated her birthday a couple days ago.  I had asked her several times over the past month what she decorations she would like at her party.  She decided she would really like a tea party.  I asked if she would like to serve tea, but she thought maybe just coffee and milk.  I let her pick the menu; pizza, salad, and strawberries.  And of course, we had to have blue cupcakes.  Happy third birthday Evelyn Emma!

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