

Hazel Lou Turns Two

Yesterday, our baby girl turned two.  She's incredibly sweet and equally sassy.  She's been singing happy birthday to herself all week and insists she is turning three.  She calls her sister Emma and I sort of hope she never outgrows that.  She loves her family, but her papa has always held a special spot in her heart.  She is big into naming her emotions right now, including sad, happy, frust {frustrated}, and scared.  Half the time, she is extremely opinionated in what she wants.  The other half, she simply yells "me too!" when Evelyn wants something.  Her favorite toy is her baby and she is constantly rocking her, feeding her, or putting her to sleep.  I can't wait to see her become a big sister soon!  Although, she also makes a pretty good little sister as her favorite game to play is to steal something that belongs to Evelyn {usually Susette} and then run away as fast as she can.  She loves to cuddle and is always giving the biggest hugs and kisses.  She despises clothing and appropriately spent her entire birthday in her birthday suit.  Hazel Lou, we love you so much and hope you had a wonderful second birthday!

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