

Button, Buttons

I'm sure you have all seen many different crafts that have been done with buttons.  When I think of buttons, the first thing that comes to mind is my former nanny.  She has a Christmas tree made out of buttons that lights up.  She has had it for years, and I always looked forward to seeing it when I went over to her home.  

I decided to make a more updated version of her Christmas tree since it means so much to me.

I bought a whole bag of old, white buttons at an antique store for $4.  I was very excited that they were all presorted since I knew I wanted to use white.  I also bought some burlap for the background so it would go with my rustic Christmas theme for these year.  I made two trees, one for me and one for my sister.  

I also wanted to make some button art for my mom, and I knew the perfect thing...

She loves her snowmen!  This is a very simple project, all you need are some buttons, hot glue, and any fabric or paper you have laying around the house.

Now go make some button art!

P.S. I have joined a link party, you can check it out here!

1 comment:

  1. I really love these. They would look so cute if you did like 3 in a row on the wall or something. Even the same pattern in diff colors? Any way, I love them. it fits with your christmas theme perfectly!


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