

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

I will now be interrupting my holiday decorating to introduce you to my kitchen.

We did a lot of projects to the house when we moved in.  The kitchen got the most changes.  I really wish I had before pictures of the house, but most of the renovations were done before we even moved here.  The kitchen cabinets were a darker wood with white counters.

We painted the cabinets white and replaced the hardware right away, but we planned on leaving the countertops since they were in fine condition and we didn't have a lot of money.

That was until we saw the best deal ever at Menards.  They had slabs of granite for SUPER cheap, but they only came in two colors.  They went on sale ($200 off the already low price), so we knew we had to do it.

We also put in a dishwasher.  When we moved in, there was a cabinet here.  We decided to give up our precious cabinet space (and I mean precious) so we could have a dishwasher.  I do not regret this decision.

So I guess my title was misleading.  We also replaced the kitchen sink.  It was very shallow and the faucet was so low that it was nearly impossible to wash any large pots in.

I love love love my new faucet, but I wouldn't have minded a farmhouse sink :).  Someday.

We also refinished our table, but I will leave that for another post.

The color of granite we chose was a black/brown color.  Normally I would be drawn to a lighter color, but I do really love the contrast of the dark and white and how well they go with our floors.

Well, that's all...back to Michael Buble's Christmas CD and more Christmas crafts!  Happy Holidays!

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