'tis the season for shorter days of sunshine and longer days of work for husband. fewer family meals at the dinner table and more family meals in field. sunday afternoons filled with football. cold air, knitted scarves, and warm boots. and of course, pumpkin flavored everything. fall seems to be everyone's favorite season. for me, every season is my favorite once it starts and my least favorite as it is ending {goodbye summer, i don't miss you at all}.

now that my house is decorating for fall, i can start focusing on what is really important...christmas decorations. too soon? i didn't think so.
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naturally, my favorite thing about fall would have to be the decorating. i actually have a mantel to decorate this year which happens to be more exciting to me than it should be. especially since it isn't even "real". we decided to move the fireplace to our basement this year instead of leaving it on our main floor like we did here. it hasn't been too cold yet, so i hope i don't miss it this winter. in my next house, i swear i will have a fireplace in every. single. room.
the clock also found its final resting place. the fireplace makes it look a lot less lonely on that big ol' wall, so i think it is happy with my decision as well.
as for the decor, it's nothing too creative. i simply looked for things around my house to incorporate and picked up a few pumpkins {and a gourd}.
dried grasses happen to make the best fall decor, in my opinion.
the banner is new, but once again i only used stuff i already had on hand. the letters were painted on with the help of stencils made by my silhouette.
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So pretty! I love your fall banner.